What’s the meaning of LGBTQI+?

What's the meaning of LGBTQI+?

LGBTQI+ is a representative acronym use to encompass people of diverse genders and sexual orientations.


Each letter in this acronym represents a different group of people:

L – Lesbian: women who are emotionally/sexually attracte to other women.

G – Gay: men who are emotionally/sexually attracte to other men, and is sometimes widely used to refer to the LGBTQI+ community as a whole.

B – Bisexual: a person who is emotionally/sexually attracte to both genders.

T – Transgender: a person whose gender identity does not match the gender assign at birth.

Transgender people may choose to have their bodies conform to their gender identity through hormone therapy, surgery, or other means.

Q – Queer/Questioning:

  • Cooler: a broad term use to describe the diversity of genders ,and sexual orientations, including non-heterosexual and/or non-cisgender people.
  • Questioner: a person who is exploring or unsure of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

I – Intersex: a person born with reproductive organs, chromosomes, or hormone levels that do not fit the traditional definition of male or female.

+ – Plus sign represents diversity of other genders and sexual orientations.

Includes but is not limit to:

  • Asexual: A person who is not sexually attracte to either gender.
  • Pansexual: a person who is emotionally and/or sexually attracted all genders.
  • Agender: A person who does not identify with any gender.
  • Demisexual: a person who feels sexual attraction only after a deep emotional connection has been establish.


More gender and sexual orientation identifiers.

The LGBTQI+ community is committed to fighting for equal rights, against discrimination and violence….

Raising awareness and acceptance of gender and sexual orientation diversity.

The term and the scope of the community has expanded over time to encompass more gender and sexual orientation diversity.

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