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Hunan-provinsens immaterielle kulturarv

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Klassiske paraplyer af oliepapir

Pioner inden for den tidligste standardiserede bambusolierede papirparaply


The company was founded in 1915 in the Hankou region of Shandong province by fan Wei-you and his employees. By the end of the Qing dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the company had become one of the top 10 brands in Hankou, the 1928(1928) won the first prize at the First National Product Exhibition in Hubei Province. “Hengyun” is a brand that has been in my family for more than 100 years. I Am Fan Rong(David), the fifth generation inheritor of the long-standing Hengyun oil-paper umbrella in Hengyang Province, a non-material and cultural heritage of Hunan province. More than 100 years of heritage, let us in the traditional paper umbrella industry accumulated valuable experience, so that we in the bamboo oil paper umbrella industry has competitiveness, we put our experience and skills into the production of paper umbrellas with modern technology, to ensure that each paper umbrella is fine, rich in process value. The intangible cultural heritage of Hunan Province is the best proof of our technology and history The times are changing, and the historical mission of Hengyun has never changed; we have accelerated the development of technical skills and the development of design service teams based on the traditional paper umbrellas, and currently cover paper umbrellas, nylon umbrellas, Japanese umbrellas, transparent umbrella, PVC umbrella, bamboo parasol, with practical invention patents: 15, design patents: 5. Not only that, we actively explore and expand the marketing channels of our products, and have successfully entered the well-known e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, Tmall, Alibaba through the Internet. Our annual turnover is over 5 million, and our products are exported both at home and abroad, to obtain the unanimous praise of customers.


Lav kun en god paraply for livet

1915 (Første arvtager af Hengyun papirparaply: Fan Wei-you)

Den konstante rim-olie-papir-paraply vandt førstepræmien ved den første nationale produktudstilling i Hubei-provinsen.

1933 (To arvtagere af Hengyun papirparaply: Fan chang ping)

Den konstante rimpapirparaply blev inkluderet i Republikken Kinas industrigenerelle annaler udgivet i 1933

1968 (Tre arvtagere af Hengyun papirparaply: Fan yi)

Heng Yun papirparaplyfabrik flyttede til Hengyang-området i Hunan-provinsen og blev den første papirparaplybutik i Hengyang

1995 (Fire arvtagere af Hengyun papirparaply: Fan yi rong)

I 2015 modtog den belgiske kong Philip af Schwaben og dronning Mathilde en olie-papir paraply fra Hengyun på Wuhan Wanda Hanxiu Theatre under et besøg i Kina

I 2015 besøgte kong Philip af Schwaben og dronning Mathilde af Belgien Kina og modtog en olie-papir paraply fra så Heng-yun papir paraply fabrik på Wuhan Wanda Hanxiu Theatre

              VORES MISSION

Vores mål er at skabe en moderne standard papirparaplyproduktionsproces, levere et omfattende papirparaplydesign, forskning og udvikling, eftersalgsservice, for at nå vores mission bruger vi et strengt kvalitetskontrolsystem og visuelle produktionsprocesser for at sikre, at hver paraply, vi producerer, er et kvalitetsprodukt

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Vores politik og proces er gennemsigtig, så vi kan vinde vores kunders tillid.

Vi er ansvarlige for kvaliteten af ​​vores produkter i produktion og brug

Med udgangspunkt i moderne produktionsværktøjer og -teknikker fokuserer vi på at dyrke innovativ teknologi og talent, så vores produkter i kvalitet og stil med flere funktioner og kreativitet i tiden

At arbejde med os garanterer en problemfri oplevelse med vores erfarne supportteams..

Førende som eksempel er vores mantra hos Hengyun papirparaply for at guide vores medarbejdere til det samme mål.

Vi forfølger konsekvent udvikling af arbejdsstyrke og virksomhed for at forbedre vores kapacitet..

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